Kyosho Vanning by Werner Sigg

Here is an awesome Kyosho Vanning that is proudly owned by Werner Sigg.

This Kyosho Vanning is a near reference example of the model. What a joy it is to see the mechanical parts so clean and perfect. I truly enjoy looking through this gallery.

The Kyosho Vanning was equipped with a 4WD Chain Drive system powered by a .21 cu/in. engine. It was a very sophisticated model, but was really fun.

– Powered by a .21 cu/in. Nitro Engine
– Chain Driven 4WD
– Length 20.3″
– Width 10.6″
– Height 7.3″
– Weight 7.7lbs. (Ready to Run)

I would like to thank Werner Sigg for providing this beautiful photo gallery for your enjoyment!

This photo gallery was contributed by Werner Sigg on June 14, 2011.

Additional Information:

Vanning - Manual - Download (12.9 MiB)