“It was your pictures on your web site that inspired me to resurrect my Avante too!” – Naz Singh
This is a beautifully restored Tamiya Avante (Tamiya Part # 58072) proudly owned by Naz Singh. It is a near perfect example of an original Tamiya Avante.
Naz contacted me in December of 2009 to talk about restoring his Avante. I was very excited for him and asked for pictures of his work. This page is what I received in July 2010. Naz spent about 8 months cleaning and restoring his Avante. He bought it a long time ago, ran it a time or two, and then stored it away.
Naz writes:
“The Avante is completely original apart from Paranoid Perry and the decals on the shell & spoiler. Also the parts missing are the battery stay post, shock brace x2 that fit across front and rear shocks, and the steering servo is not original either. The only damage sustained is all four tires are starting to crack on the side walls – This is probably due to being in a hot loft all these years.”
All of his hard work has resulted in a model which is nearly a Reference Grade example of a Vintage Tamiya Avante. I am proud to include it here on my site for others to admire, much as I do.
Congratulations on a beautiful build Naz!
Check out my page on the History of the Avante
Check out my own Fully Polished Avante which inspired Naz to build this beauty
This photo gallery was contributed by Naz Singh on July 17, 2010.
Additional Information:
Tamiya #58072 Avante - Manual - Download (6.7 MiB)
Tamiya #58072 Avante - Exploded View - Download (5.7 MiB)
Tamiya #50290 RX-540VZ Technigold Motor - Manual - Download (904.2 KiB)